A woman suffering a concussion after a car crash


A concussion is a type of brain injury where there is a change in a patient’s consciousness without structural damage to the brain as a result of some type of trauma to the head or body.  

Symptoms of a concussion include confusion, forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating, headache, emotional changes, and light and sound sensitivity. A person can but does not have to lose consciousness to have a concussion.  Sometimes symptoms of a concussion do not appear immediately after the injury.  

The media has brought a lot of attention to this subject due to athletes having long term complications caused by repeated head trauma.  Dr. Swaid can help patients, including athletes, after having a concussion return to full function in the safest way possible. www.aan.com

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Monday - Thursday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Friday - 8:00am - Noon
Phone - 205-949-1800
Fax - 205-870-7735

We accept most types of insurance, but you may call your insurance company or our office (205) 949-1800 to confirm that we are in your network. All copays are due at the time of your visit.

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